Song Finder (By Lyrics) – Quick, Easy, Fun

Do you know a few lyrics but don’t know or can’t remember the song? Infuriating, isn’t it! Don’t despair, our free song finder tool below will help you out.

Here’s how it works:

Simply type any words you remember from the song in the search bar below, and hit “search”. When you see a likely candidate, click on the result, and the lyrics and video for that song will appear. That not the one? Hit the “back” button and try again.

Search results will show up here.

Remember, if you can’t identify the song, try a few variations of the words and keep searching (it doesn’t cost you anything!).

We’ve helped soooo many people find songs that other apps couldn’t, check out the comments at the end of this article for all the love.

How Does Our Song Identifier Work?

Well, this song search app is hooked up to a huge music database and matches your words to what’s in there at lightning speed.

Pretty neat, eh!

By the way, this song identifier gizmo only works for lyrics at the moment (not audio). If you’d like us to add an audio capture feature, or anything else for that matter, then drop us a comment below.

Hope you find what you were looking for 🙂 We love to hear about successful finds, so be sure to drop a comment when you do.

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By Ged Richardson

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36 thoughts on “Song Finder (By Lyrics) – Quick, Easy, Fun”

  1. i’ve been trying to find this one song FOR SO LONG! i’ve tried apple music and spotify and shazam, none of them found it. came across this website on google, BOOM, found it right away. THANK YOU!

  2. Heard a song by a female singer while watching tv show Wildfire. Season 2, episode 9 , at minute marker 41.11. This melody is in my head but cannot find name or singer. I have all the lyrics, just nobody’s identifying this song.

  3. OMG, I love this app. You did on the first try what Google couldnt even do…you found the song!!! A million thank you’s. I’m going to recommend this app to everybody..
    “Loving On Higher Ground”
    Future Soul

  4. Does anyone know the hip hop song from 90210 back in the 90’s. Some of the lyrics are, “I’ve been waiting so long for the good life… am I dreaming… there’s a time, there’s a place, there’s a reason” they play it in several episodes but Shazam can’t find it

  5. Thank you sooo much! I’ve had this song I can’t find and it’s been driving me crazy! This website is awesome 👌

  6. Still, nope, can’t find a song. Watch the 2011 Women’s World Cup trophy presentation, what is the song playing over the stadium loudspeakers as the 2011 Japan’s women’s team hoists the trophy and celebrates their world cup victory? Shazam fails, people were asking in comments on YouTube clips, but nobody seems to have the answer. And no, it’s not that year’s FIFA anthem, or a song for the men’s team, or song from Jekyll & Hyde that happens to include the lyrics “This is the moment,” etc.

  7. I’ve been trying to remember the name of my favourite song since I was a kid for over 4 years, I tried countless websites and nothing worked, until I tried this one, bursted into tears I was that happy, thank you so much!

  8. I am very impressed and pleased with your search site. Had this song running through my head but didn’t know the title and as it turned out, didn’t have the lyrics right.
    Your search engine came up with my song and the correct lyrics where 6 or more other sites failed. You are doing a great service for everyone and most likely contributing to many people’s mental health and World Peace for all!
    Thank you!

  9. This is a great idea. does it extend to verse which was not set to music? I was looking for a verse written kin the 1930s about Percy who got into trouble on trains>

    I used to be a fearful lad
    The things I did were downright bad

  10. still looking for 2 songs I found on the radio if anyone has any ideas let me know,

    1st song – is kind of a weird almost grunge song but with autotune and kinda gives off insanity vibes a bit, and the only lyric I remember is something like “take my hand and fall into ___” and the blank I think is something simular to the word abyss? also there were parts with shouting i think

    2nd song – a very weirdcore song with an odd vibe, lots of ah ah ah’s (decending) and kind of an etheral otherworldly weird sound, all over it and I remember 1 part theres “shine like your own serial star” (idk if the word serial is right but thats what it sounded like, could also be super)

  11. Bro, this song finder is goated, every other website I use always searches for both lyrics and title but this only searches by lyrics 9/10 would use again

  12. I’m here in 2025, with tons of love for you guys 🩷🩷🩷🩷🩷🩷
    I just found a song I’ve been looking for years!
    You guys are the best 😘😘😘

  13. I’m looking for a particular song. I heard it on Love & Hip Hop season 6 episode 7 Titled: Somebody’s Husband. The first lyrics: everything I have keep hold, I water dreams and nothing ever grows, the chorus: and I’m drifting high high. Repeat….the chorus. Second chorus Water the bridges that’s all I know. It’s a woman sing the song I can’t find it. Need help please…..

    • Brilliant! Thank you! I don’t know how I got the Indigo Girls and the Cowboy Junkies mixed up, shame on me, but you were able to solve my dilemma in seconds with the only three words I could remember!

  14. Gave it a couple lyrics and found the song instantly. I just needed to see the album art and it clicked so that feature was very helpful in the list. Thank you!


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